PE & Sport play an essential role within the day-to-day life at the College. We aim to provide a balanced and interactive curriculum that is inclusive for all, whilst at the simultaneously providing opportunities for students to face new sporting challenges and to update existing skills. Students will be introduced to new sports and teams, allowing them to become team players and independent thinkers.
Sport also plays an important role in teaching the students about how to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. All students are expected to attend one of the extracurricular clubs, either before school, lunchtime or after school.
Students will access a range of activities, including sports such as volleyball, table tennis, basketball, and swimming. Combining skill development and a basic understanding of anatomy & physiology is key to providing a good knowledge base for students to build upon.
Key Stage 3
The Key Stage 3 curriculum replicates areas of the GCSE syllabus. For example, the Mastery Curriculum is used to assess the practical performance in areas such as Tactical & Compositional Concepts, Observation & Analysis, and Fitness. The aim is to bridge the gap so that students selecting some of the examination-based courses in Key Stage 4 can draw on the knowledge that has already been covered.
We provide access to competitive situations and links to extracurricular clubs help to promote skill development, independence, and friendship across the year groups, as well as allowing the students to experiment and challenge their understanding of the body during exercise.
At the beginning of each six-week block, students will complete a set of baseline tests. This will give them a guide to their current fitness level.
The theoretical content for each year group is delivered via homework and set every two- or three-weeks using Teams.